Profile and Message Guidelines

NOTE: You Can Still Report After Being Unmatched

In other apps, ill-intentioned users have been known to say something unpleasant (e.g., ask someone to follow a link, join their x, send money, etc.) and then unmatch before their account can be reported. This does not work on AseeksB. Message threads can be reported even after a user unmatches you. If you find that a user isn’t following any of our Guidelines, please report their account. This helps out all other users and keeps AseeksB a great place to be.


Usernames can be whatever you’d like (you can use a first name too) but please be sure to meet the below criteria:

  • No social media or messaging handles
  • No profanity or curse words, including abbreviations or fill-ins
  • No text meant to threaten, intimidate, harass, defame, or insult another person
  • No text that incites racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind
  • No phone numbers
  • No hashtags

Profiles with usernames that don’t meet the above criteria may get banned.


Posts should be accurately categorized. This means, for example, that if you’re looking for something short-term, do not post under "long-term." It's ok to create a post without the kink-friendly tag and still mention that you happen to like some kink. But if you’re looking for a D/s relationship, a kinky play partner, or for a particular fetish/kink, that post should be tagged as kink-friendly. Note that miscategorization can be reported. So no bait-and-switches please. Please respect the readers’ right to only see the kind of posts they’re interested in.

No Hate

We have a zero tolerance policy toward content that promotes or condones violence, hate, or discrimination based on things like race, ethnicity, disability, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, HIV status, nationality, or religion.

No Harassment

Behavior that is bullying, shaming, abusive, harassing, trolling, attacking, or aggressive, is strictly prohibited.

No Impersonations

It’s pretty simple stuff. Don't pretend to be someone you’re not. Whether it be your age, gender, or location. This includes parody accounts. Respect others’ right to filter posts as they see fit. Do not try to circumvent others’ filters. Do not message someone if you do not fit their post’s criteria.

No Drugs

We do not allow the sharing, distribution, selling, or advertised usage of, illegal drugs on our app. This includes poppers. Yes, that means no “party friendly” ads. We know what you mean, they know what you mean, we all know what you mean.

No Illegal Activity

Discussion or promotion of fraud, illegal sexual acts, threats, or anything else that’s against the law is not allowed. If it’s illegal offline, please do not do it here.

No Escorting

There is a strict policy of no paid services. This includes everything relating to escorting and prostitution, and yes, this also includes any kind of “pro sessions” or “sugar-anything” whether or not they include sex. This does not just mean that you can’t directly ask for money in your ad, it also means that any allusions to compensation, the use of code words (e.g., tribute, gifts, roses, FinDom, mutually beneficial, etc.), or any attempt to sell services on this app or on any other messaging or social networking app will get your profile banned. This is not the app for sex work, escorting, or for getting paid for your personal time (sexual/platonic companionship/moving furniture/whatever). The same goes for messaging. Really. Do not ask to be compensated, in any way, for any service, on or off the app. Message threads can be reported even after you’ve unmatched someone. If we detect that you’re trying to game the system, your account will get banned.

No Soliciting or Advertising

Commercial posts of any kind, for any reason, are strictly forbidden. This includes soliciting or advertising for any kind of subscription service, offering or alluding to any kind of relationship/understanding/interaction that involves money, selling merchandise, posting jobs, offering massages or therapeutic services, etc. Advertising for events of any kind is also not allowed.

No Promoting Social Media

We get it. You want followers, we want followers, they want followers, who doesn’t? But this isn’t the place for it. Do not post any social media accounts on your post (e.g., “not usually on here so message me on…”). If after messaging for a bit you’d like to switch to messaging on another app, that’s fine. But if we detect that you’re trying to use posts as a funnel to grow your followers/subscribers, or to circumvent any of the policies mentioned in this guideline, your account will get banned.